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Looking Good Again

Take a look around your home, and make a list of the items that show signs of wear and damage. Maybe your flooring is looking a bit worn in the high-traffic areas. Perhaps some of your windows have begun to leak, and maybe your oven creaks when you open it. Most of these problems can be corrected without you having to outright replace the offending item. You can instead hire a repair specialist and let them work their magic! Choosing repairs and restoration over replacement can save you a small fortune over time, and it is also better for the planet. Learn more in the articles provided here.



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Looking Good Again

Inspecting Your Home For Mold Problems After Water Damage To Plan The Removal

by Ella Curtis

After there has been a problem with water damage in your home, there may still be a hidden danger—mold growth that needs removal. After you have begun the cleaning process and prepared to start rebuilding your home, you need to inspect for mold problems. The following mold information will help you inspect your home for problems after water damage to prepare for the removal process:

Find Areas Where Moisture Is Trapped—Sometimes, there are areas of your home where moisture can be trapped. This is a common problem in attics that do not have enough vents on the roof. The problem with poor ventilation can also cause water damage and mold problems in other areas that include:

  • Crawl space foundations
  • Bathrooms
  • Utility rooms
  • Finished basements

These are some of the areas of your home where poor ventilation can cause moisture to be trapped and mold growth to start. This can be worse if there has been a serious problem with water damage, and all the moisture has not been removed.

Issues with Mechanical Problems and Mold—There are also a lot of areas in your home where mechanical problems can be the source of water damage and mold growth. The most common problem is leaking pipes and kitchens and bathrooms, which can cause mold to grow if they go unnoticed. Another area where serious mold problems can start is in the HVAC ducts. The problem with mold growth in ductwork can be a serious problem that causes mold to quickly spread throughout your home.

Exterior Leaks and Spreading Mold Growth Issues—The exterior leaks on roofs, siding, and around openings are a common cause of mold growth. This is due to these problems being old and the mold growth often being well-established before repairs are done. Therefore, you want to regularly inspect the exterior of your home for leaks and signs of mold growth, starting to grow and spread to other areas of your home.

Failing Drainage and Waterproofing that Cause Mold—The waterproofing around your home can also fail and cause serious problems with water damage. Drainage systems can also be the culprit in issues with waterproofing and water getting in through the foundation. These problems can also cause serious problems with mold growth, and you will want to have foundation areas tested if you notice signs of fungus growing like mildew growing around old leaks.

Sometimes, the real damage after water damage is the mold growth that comes back to haunt you later. If you think there is still a mold problem in your home, contact a mold removal service for help with testing and the removal of the hazardous growth. Reach out to a mold removal professional in your area. 
