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Looking Good Again

Take a look around your home, and make a list of the items that show signs of wear and damage. Maybe your flooring is looking a bit worn in the high-traffic areas. Perhaps some of your windows have begun to leak, and maybe your oven creaks when you open it. Most of these problems can be corrected without you having to outright replace the offending item. You can instead hire a repair specialist and let them work their magic! Choosing repairs and restoration over replacement can save you a small fortune over time, and it is also better for the planet. Learn more in the articles provided here.



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Looking Good Again

Complications Water Damage May Cause For Your Home

by Ella Curtis

There are many ways that water can cause extensive damage to a home. In fact, it can be a common situation for homeowners to be somewhat surprised by the various types of damage that large amounts of water will be able to cause for their homes.


Mold is a common issue that will follow significant water damage to a house. Unfortunately, the mold can grow in areas where you may not be able to see. If this is occurring, it may be sometime before you notice that there is a significant mold problem. In order to handle this threat, you may want to have a mold inspection completed shortly after the restoration work for the house has been completed so that you can have mold remediation done if it is required.  

Rot And Corrosion

Rot and corrosion are other side effects that will often follow significant water damage. Being exposed to moisture for long periods of time can cause any wood or metal surfaces in the home to start rotting or corroding very quickly. In many cases, this process may have already started by the time that the water has drained out of the home. Minimizing this damage will require the home to undergo restoration work as quickly as possible.

Electrical Issues

If the water is able to make it to the electrical systems of the home, it can result in major damage that will likely require an electrician to assess and repair. While the wiring that runs through the walls will be insulated, it can still be possible for water to seep into it. Furthermore, the actual electrical connections are unlikely to have any protection against significant water exposure. If you notice unusual electrical issues after the water damage restoration work has been completed, this may indicate that water damage occurred to the wiring or other components. To avoid the risk of a fire or electrical shock, you may want to turn off the power supply to this part of the home until an electrician has been able to assess and repair these components.

Floors Swelling

If your home has wood floors, they may start to swell if the water damage is not repaired as quickly as possible. This is due to the water soaking into the wood and causing the flooring planks to no longer fit together correctly. Once the floors start swelling and bulging, replacing the sections that are experiencing this damage may be the only option for restoring your home's floors.
