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Looking Good Again

Take a look around your home, and make a list of the items that show signs of wear and damage. Maybe your flooring is looking a bit worn in the high-traffic areas. Perhaps some of your windows have begun to leak, and maybe your oven creaks when you open it. Most of these problems can be corrected without you having to outright replace the offending item. You can instead hire a repair specialist and let them work their magic! Choosing repairs and restoration over replacement can save you a small fortune over time, and it is also better for the planet. Learn more in the articles provided here.



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Looking Good Again

4 Signs It Is Time To Replace Your Commercial Flat Roofing System

by Ella Curtis

Although flat roofs are popular because of their resilience and resistance to storm and wind damage, they might develop problems down the road. Therefore, you might need to hire a commercial roofing contractor to replace the entire system at some point. But determining when to schedule the roof replacement isn't always easy. If you have noticed extensive roof damage, you probably wonder whether to replace or repair the system. Consider working with a commercial roofing contractor and pay attention to the following signs to know whether to replace your commercial flat roof.

1. Large Punctures or Tears  

Flat roofs often have seams often covered with several layers of roofing materials. Over time, due to aging and normal wear, you might notice large punctures and tears along the seams on your flat roof. If you discover the damage on time, the commercial roofer might patch up the holes to extend the life of your roof. However, you might be forced to replace the entire system if the damage is beyond repair. Your contractor will help you determine the severity of the situation and recommend the best solution.

2. Extensive Water Pooling 

One of the most common issues that flat roofs experience is water pooling. Over time, your roof might shift, slowly altering the slight slope that affects water drainage. Therefore, water tends to collect in dips and seams. When left unaddressed, the water gradually soaks into the inner layers of the roof. You may notice damp spots on walls and ceilings. The extra weight might cause the roof to appear sunken and eventually collapse. Before it gets there, consider working with a commercial roofing contractor to plan a roofing replacement. 

3. Defective Flashing 

Roofers recommend routine inspections to check the various roofing components, such as the gutters and flashing. The material is installed around protruding structures like the chimney to redirect moisture away from your building and roof. 

The caulking holding the flashing in place might dry out, rendering it ineffective. Water may seep into the inner layers of the roof, causing leaks, damage, and mold growth. Widespread damage to the wooden part of the roof might cause rot and reduced structural integrity. Your roofer might recommend replacing the entire roof. 

4. Adhesion Failure 

Adhesives are often used to keep different layers of the roof membrane securely attached to the roofing structures. Due to age, fluctuating weather, poor maintenance, and bad ventilation, the adhesive might fail, and the membranes might become loose. Sometimes, you might notice that the surface of your roof looks bumpy or blistered. Delayed treatment allows water to seep into the inner layers of the roof and cause irreparable damage, which might make you replace the entire roofing system. 

Always consult a commercial roofing contractor when you can't decide whether to repair or replace the roof. However, these are some situations that need an urgent commercial flat roof replacement. Contact a contractor to plan the project and install a new roof that meets your expectations.

Reach out to a company like Tillotson Enterprise Inc to learn more.
